kids furniture by de breuyn at imm cologne

After months of work final prototypes are presented at De Breuyn in-house exhibition within IMM Cologne fair. Developing a complex system of modular furniture takes quite some time and patience, but after many meetings and discussions, crafting of numerous samples and countless e-mails we are now all set to offer the furniture to retailers and architects.

Looking forward to meet you at:

Girlitzweg 30, 50829 Köln
19.-25.1.2015, 9-18h



–> winning of KIDS DESIGN AWARD fall 2014 is background of cooperation with De Breuyn

The images below give an idea of the long way to go from sketches to the readiness for marketing:



Ellenbergerdesign Shop Ellenbergerdesign Shop

ellenberger: design that excites.

Regionally and sustainably crafted – you can order items out of the ellenberger furniture collections directly at the designer’s online shop.
